Bethlehem Chapel

Betlémské náměstí, Praha 1


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Address:Betlémské náměstí, Praha 1
Winter heating:Yes
Wheelchair access:No
Reviews: (4)

The Bethlehem Chapel is associated with Master Jan Hus, the religious reformer who preached here in the early 15th century

Today´s Bethlehem Chapel is a copy of the former chapel demolished in the 18th century. It was built in 1391 as a preaching space where Master Jan Hus preached and ignited the Hussite Movement.

Ecumenical worships are held in the chapel serving also as the assembly hall of the Czech Technical University and a concert hall.

How to get there: 

  • Accessibility by Prague public transport:
    metro B (yellow line) - Můstek or Národní třída stops
    trams Nos. 17, 18 - Karlovy lázně stop
  • Nearest car parking:
    National Theatre, Ostrovní 1

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