Rated 5/5
based on 6168
Cili vicemene na turisty, a tak se podava hlavne "to nejlepsi", coz neodpovida nutne situaci ani nalade. Mene zname skladby vychazeji mnohem vkusneji. Vystoupeni u varhan bude stat bolesti krcni patere z vykrouceneho krku nebo tupy pohled nekam jinam nez je vystoupeni. Stoji za navstevu.
Koncert se nám moc líbil.Výběr skladeb, jejich aranžmá bylo vynikající. Zpěvačka byla famozní.Vůbec návštěvy nelitujeme. Bylo to poprvé co jsme navštívili koncert na tomto místě a právě na Štědrý den.
Very accomplished, professional musicians. A real treat!
Wonderfully selected works of composers and plcace where they were performed. Excellent performance of this works by the musicians. We had a great time. Thanks you
I am delighted with the event, the ballet was performed at the highest level, amazing.
I am a musician myself. The orchestra was impeccable. A brilliant performance!
Very beautiful moment in Spanish Synagogue! With the Ensemble + the talended soprano it was very enjpoyable !
A clever and well performed opera.
Our family really enjoyed this event. Very entertaining and enjoyable experience.No landuage used so understood by all. Thank you.
Výborní interpreti, super výběr skladeb
Bel orchestre , sonorité optimal, musique varié orchestre violons ,chant , orgue.
Excellent singing fabulous orchestra
I was recently in Vienna and they have a similar concert but the venue, program and quality at Smetana Hall is far superior!
Excellent concert! Perfect way to celebrate Christmas!
Great place and great concert ! Thank you
This was an outstanding concert. Every individual singer in the choir was equally wonderful; they knew so many songs in different languages word perfect. Each member was focused and engaged with the audience and the soloists were superb. The Musical Director was amazing; he didn’t say a single word during the concert yet had total control of the choir; they were all so disciplined. The musicianship was incredible, from phrasing to dynamics to harmonies. This was one of the best choirs I have heard in a long time. Fantastic!
Krasny koncert v krasnem kostele. Skoda, ze se nehralo vice koled.
Velmi dobře zvolený repertoár, super výkony všech učinkujících.
Very nice performance of a classic
The show was more like a slapstick comedy show with black light effects. Not a true black light show. Very low budget feel.
This was our second time attending a concert in the Spanish Synagogue, a fantastic venue and a wonderful recital with very accomplished musicians. We hope to return
the show was amazing, the people working there were the best people i have ever met
Koncert úžasný, dobře vybrané skladby, takové neproflállé. Paní zpěvačka skvělá. Už jsem ji jednou zažila v Zrcadlové kapli a je úžasná. Co bych vytkla: při koupi vstupenek je uvedeno, že koncert trvá 90 minut, ale za 60 minut byl konec. To by mělo být u akce opraveno. A pak mi vadilo to, že jsme se sotva zvedli ze židlí a personál už nás poměrně nepříjemně vyháněl pryč.
Nous avons vraiment passé un excellent moment ! Les musiciens nous ont comblés !
Salle remarquable avec bonne acoustique
spectacle varié et performant
Magical atmosphere with very professional musicians. The playlist was very good and Christmassy.
It was a real pleasure to see and hear such beautiful voices and well prepared dancers. The scenery was also very interesting and it was noticed that the director paid attention to the slightest details. Amazing experience!
Rybovu mši miluji, toto provedení se nám velmi libilo.
Performers were amateurish also. Overall, poor experience for an Adult
It was very enjoyable and well acted. Reminiscent of old silent movies. I would gladly go again to this show and recommend it to others.
Very good performance. The clowns were exceptional! I never laughed so much…
Nous avons assisté à "la bohème", c'était notre 1er opéra, nous avons beaucoup apprécié..ça nous a donné envie d'en voir d'autres !
Amazing show, and really fun for kids as well!
I enjoyed the pergormance it was very beutiful and proffesional
Krásný koncert, dobrý výběr skladeb, zpěvačka má andělský hlas. Koncert byl o 10 minut kratší, než je uvedeno. Je škoda, že koncert nikdo neuvádí ani nedostanete tištěný program, abyste věděli, co se právě hraje a kdo zpívá. Vytiskla jsem si program koncertu z webu, ale pořadí skladeb místy neodpovídalo.
I am no opera expert by any means, but I really enjoyed this.
The music was superb. Top notch.
The music was superb. Excellent value.
Dobrý den,
každoročně navštěvujeme 26. 12. vánoční konzert v bazilice Sv. Jakuba. Jsem zvyklí na uměleckou úroveň spočívající ve varhanní hudbě kvalitně přednesné, nesené se ve vánoční atmosféře s úvodním přivítáním a popřáním.
Letošní konzert, dá-li se to tak nazvat, byl neprofesionální, bez atmoféry Vánoc, přednes koled a pastorel odpovídal projevu amatérů s nekvalitním, disharmonickým zpěvním projevem a teatrálními úklonami, vyžadující potlesk po každém ukončeném zpěvu, a to vše v centru baziliky. O dalších hrůzných zážitcích se již nebudu zmiňovat, jako např. rušivé umístění stojanu pro záznam přednesu vystoupení, atd.
Provedení varhanní hudby též neodpovídalo zážitkům z minulých let.
V případě, že se příští vánoční konzerty budou opakovat v této hrozné atmosféře, nechci je již nikdy a nikde, natož v této bazilice, zažít v podání pěveckého uskupení Orfeus.
Letošní atmosféru ukončení Vánoc, na což jsme se dosud velmi těšili v minulých letech, nám tento konzert definitivně zkazil, a to zřejmě nejen nám, ale i dalším, kteří v průběhu akce odcházeli
Cena vstupenek za cca 500Kč/os. zdaleka neodpovídala provedené kvalitě.
S pozdravem a již nikdy
Ako vzdy a stale, prazske predstavenie uzasne, navsteva Statni opery je vzdy hlboky zazitok. Dufam, ze za par rokov na tych doskach bude stat moja dcera studujuca operny spev.
Prague Ticket Office:
Vážená paní Wilschová,
děkujeme za milá slova a jsme rádi, že se Vám představení a naše služby líbily!
Se srdečným pozdravem
Belle prestation - nous avons passé un très bon moment
This was a lovely Christmas concert, provided by seasoned musicians.
We were delighted with this presentation. We enjoyed the singing, the music, and the contemporary set and costumes for the show. The English super titles were a great help to us in understanding the progression of the story. We had selected our seats online and were not aware that we had chosen such well-placed seats, in Box 11 in the front row. The vantage point was superb. We also appreciated the historical appearance of the venue, which was so much more pleasing to the eye than something more contemporary. Thank you so much for providing us with such a memorable experience.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Macomber,
Thank you for your kind words, we are glad that you enjoyed your evening in the State Opera!
Best regards
We have just returned from our vacation in Prague, and dduring that time, we attended six classical music concerts. We were delighted with all of them!!
Enjoyed the show although (I suspect due to the limited number of tickets sold) both cast and arias were less in number than expected. But did enjoy the performance very much.
Good food, wine and music.
Profesionální výkon, ale bez ducha a nadšení.
My 1st ballet so I was really looking forward to the performance. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
The dancers were elegant and the ballet was the highlight of our 4 day break in Prague over New Year!
Excellent service from booking tickets, great choice of seats. Venue was astonishing, and the staff were lovely, made us feel welcome. Even though we were dressed for the cold and Christmas markets so slightly undressed!
Thank you
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Lee,
We are glad that you enjoyed our service as well as the evening et the National Theatre. Thank you!
Best regards
Je pense qu'il faudrait demander aux spectateurs de ne pas utiliser leur smartphone (comme c'est le cas dans les salles de spectacles) car cela dérange les spectateurs qui sont assis derrière eux.
Krásný koncert s vynikajícími interprety v unikátních prostorách kostela člověka přenesl do barokní doby. Děkuji!
Très beau concert. Dommage que l'orchestre était dans une niche et non visible.
Excellent performance of the top class orchestra conducted by Tomas Netopil, with superb lead violinist, Jozef Spacek, of the 19th century French classical music on the New Year's Day.
It was excellent except that for some reason I expected a choir and not one singer... and it was too short, I would have loved for it to be another half hour at least.
There are so many choices in Prague, but this one was great! We really enjoyed it and the time was perfect to have lunch in the "Lessor town", followed by the performance. Highly recommended.
Such a wonderful show. We enjoyed it very much!!
Tres beau spectacle ! Les acteurs la scene vraiment très beau !
Musicians were great but you should give access to adult only, there were kids making noise with chairs and it was annoying to get distracted by it.
Very interesting show by a very talented and skillful group of performers. It has humour as well.
It would be great if they can add a final act where they can show in normal light how it's done. It would be inspirational.
Fantastic performance I would recommend for anyone including families with children. My husband is English, my daughter speaks some Czech, so we really appreciated the English subtitles. Everything was fantastic, the dancers, costumes, orchestra and the catching story of little vixen. We had a lovely evening and will definitely be back.
Le répertoire m'était presque inconnu, mais j'ai beaucoup apprécié le jeu des musiciens.
There was loads of singing, I think they made a mistake of doing it in Italian as I can only speak English, this was quite rude but we all make mistakes. Some of the clothes they weared seemed old fashioned which was a bit shoddy for going on stage in in 2024. When they were doing talking bits they were really loud ( and I don’t think they were even American tourists) it’s a shame the lass died at the end ( spoiler LOL) cos she seemed nice and quiet a cheap date. All in all it was right good, these lads and lasses would smash it at Glasgow kings theatre panto 2025 and I would be happy to put up the big players at my gaff.
Beautiful singing in other most beautiful church I've ever been in!
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Romano,
We are glad that you spent a great music moment in St. Nicholas Church. Thank you for your kind words!
Best regards
Předpokládali jsme, že koncert bude na velkých barokních varhanách a nikoliv na nástroji na boční empoře. Teprve nyní jsem se dozvěděl, že velký stroj je nepoužitelný. Škoda.
Très belle prestation avec un programme exceptionnel
Great preformed. I recommend.
La durée inférieure à 1h dommage.
L'accueil était bon.
Le chauffage apprécié.
My friend and I came to visit Prague over the New Year and wanted to see a classical ballet. Finding the location was a bit difficult but we asked someone who lives there and could help us. We were very impressed by the beautiful storytelling. In the beginning, we were confused as to which seat was ours and asked a staff member for help, which didn't help much. Afterward, we found a staff member willing to help and showed us in which section our seats were. The show was beautiful, but some dancers neglected their feet. They weren't always pointed. One of the mice wasn't on time during the trio. Other than that it was great. The emotions came through and the nutcracker as well as the mouse king were phenomenal. Great show! Thank you for having us
Opravdu silný zážitek díky kombinaci krásné hudby a krásného prostředí.
Bellissimo! La location è unica ottima acustica. Accoglienza ottima con guardaroba gratuito.
Orchestra veramente bravi ...da brividi... direttore con un tocco di pazzia! Bellissimo anche il fuori programma finale con la Marcia di Radetzky...che al concerto di capodanno non può mancare!
I really enjoyed the Soprano singing. She has a beautiful voice.
Krásný koncert na důstojném místě
Koncert byl krasny. Kez by bylo vice takovych, obzvlast s theorbou ci loutnou.
Très sympathique à regarder, même si la scène étroite du théâtre n'est peut-être pas le lieu idéal pour un ballet.
A charming, fun, and at times offbeat performance. The male lead singer was able to introduce unexpected comedy at just the right moments. I’m not the biggest fan of Mozart but loved every minute of this. The soup entree was superb, the other two courses were ok. Overall highly recommend.
This was a highlight of our trip! We had tickets to 3 different concerts/events and this was our favorite… beautiful church and very talented musicians, choral group and opera singers. The musical selection was also a really nice mix.
Velmi příjemný večer při vynikající muzice, doporučujeme
Skvělý zážitek a to jak po stránce výkonů jednotlivých účinkujících, tak celková atmosféra místa konání :-)
Great musicians and a very good concert.
Vánoční koncert dělaný hlavně pro turisty. Přeskakování mezi skladbami vždy jen k tomu nejznámějšímu, kdy většina skladeb neměla nic společného s Vánoci. Vrchol byl tichá noc, která nebyla v češtině a ani jsem nedokázal identifikovat ten jazyk. Rozhodně nebudu opakovat
Très belle soirée, bon groupe
Dommage que les chanteurs soient restés là plupart du temps sur le balcon à côté de l organiste
Wonderful accoustic, voice and musicians!
Už se moc těším na další U:-)
vse v poradku; skoda, ze nejde zaridit alespon mirne vytapeni teplomety, kdyz se v kostele netopi
nebo zapujceni dek - levne lze poridit v IKEA, JYSK, Pepco, Action:-))
The concert was magnificent. The musicians and singer were superb. The church was beautiful making it a perfect event.
We had seen a Black Light theatre at another venue the last time we were in Prague and it was so much better than this one.
Absolutely wonderful, enjoyed performance very, very much.
Amazing top grade professional quartet musicians, organist and singer.
Pro mě excelentní zážitek. Akustika chrámu je dokonalá. Varhany a smyčcový orchestr perfektní. I když preferuji varhany, tak smyčcový orchestr podal znamenitý výkon, tak i výkon zpěvačky předčil očekávání.
Tres bonne qualite tant dans le chant vocal que dans la musique dans un lieu emblematique bravo !!!
I have attended for the last four years and it is still very special and magical, a marvellous experience!
Musicians very good, engaging and energizing! Suggested!
Wonderful performance to start the New Year
Super musicians and singing, great programme, fantastic setting.
Nous avons passé un merveilleux moment, dans cette salle fabuleuse, grâce à des musiciens enthousiastes.
Hudebne vynikajici, obohaceni “Rybovky” o dalsi skladby, skvela hudebni a pevecka interpretace. Loutkova/herecka cast dost spatna, neradostne, ponure, bez zivota, jediny napad snad ty ovce, smutne se courajici sem tam, kouzlo vanoc nula. Proto celkove prumer.
Merci pour ce beau moment, très agréable.
Nous avons passé une soirée complètement dépaysante : les musiciens, chanteurs et danseurs y sont pour beaucoup et ont eu la gentillesse de nous faire participer. Nous sommes sortis ravis du restaurant
Le lieu, l’excellence des artistes : tout était là pour que nous passions un bon moment.
Vstupenky dle zakoupení bez zadání místa k sezení a nakonec vás někam posadí nemůžete si vybrat . Mylné informace při nákupu Rajdlová Marie
Dekuji,umělci hráli a zpívali krasne, očekávala jsem to.Ale na koncertech nemají rozhodne co pohledávat mobilní telefony.Před koncertem i divadlem je běžné upozornění na jejich nepoužívani.Velmi,velmi to zkazi zazitek…!
The musicians performed well - the singer's voice was not very pleasant.
Když na varhany hraje Aleš Bárta,je to vždy pohlazeni
programmation interessante
musiciens à la hauteur
Jsem nadšená zvlášť z varhan v podání Aleše Bárty
We enjoyed both the music and the venue. We had front row seats, a treat! All of the musicians and the singer were of stellar caliber, and we loved the selections performed. The Mirror Chapel was a feast for the eyes, with the outstanding frescos and carving. Thank you.
Exceptional musicians and soprano.
The solo performance of thé organist was just amazing.
It was an oustanding concert.
Úžasný zážitek. Moc děkuji!
super nice!!!!! love it 😍
A very nice concert performed by an orchestra who clearly enjoyed delivering the music
Pestrý program, velmi dobří hudebníci.. Hezké, ale dost chladné prostředí.
Fine, energetic playing especially from the soloist in the Vivaldi. Attractive singing of the Mozart and Dvořák pieces.
Incredible and intimiate concert in a beautiful church setting. It was the best experience my wife and I had in Prague and a true appreciation of the incredible arts the city has to offer.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Med,
We are glad that the concert at St. Giles Church pleased you. Thank you for your kind words,
Best regards
Please make photographs and videos prohibited during concerts it is super disrespectful and annoying when people is on their phone
Prostor nádherný, ale jen pro otužilce :-)
Excellent performance compiled from Antonín Dvořák and Johann Strauss. We liked it very much.
Great performance! Great venue! Especially we liked the piano performance and the Turkish March.
Po stránce hudební - kvalitní provedení, výběr skladeb odpovídal duchu posledního večera v roce.
Po stránce organizační - spíše horší s ohledem na dlouhotrvající potvrzení vstupenky a obdržení jakési místenky, která však stejně nebyla funkční, neb místa byla již obsazeno. Z jiných sedadel nás pak další příchozí vykazovali. Naštěstí hudba pak nahradila nepříjemný zážitek.
We went as a family and we all thoroughly enjoyed the concert. Would definitely recommend.
Outstanding program and performer!
belles prestations musicales dans un cadre merveilleux : je recommande vivement
The venue is exceptional in history and the art. The performance was beautifully performed; a long term goal that is now a treasured memory in our iPhotos!
Populární songy, kde i laik v klasice najde svoje hity. Přijdeme zase!
Professional, beautiful music
This is a great thing to do in Prague. There are many options available (date and time-wise). It is conveniently located in Prague 1 and well run. Most important, however, it is a beautiful experience to be so near to the performing musicians, it really enhances the experience of live music. The concerts are not long, about one hour. The pieces are all very familiar, sort of a greatest hits of classical music, which makes it very "user-friendly" to people who aren't necessarily classical music aficionados. And even if you are, it's a beautiful setting and such close proximity to the musicians is a wonderful listening treat.
Although disappointing there were no pieces by women, it was a beautiful sounding orchestra with interesting variety of pieces.
Interesting program with very professional director. The bariton was impressive.
Very Nice evening with Martin ,an exceptionnally Great and Nice guide .The concert was just stunning and we ate very good food .The visit was very interesting! Don’t hesitate !!
Clever artists, passionate and good mix of songs
Skvělé prostředí, skvělá muzika
Krásné,opravdu zážitek moc dekujeme🤗organizace také skvelá
Fragmenty populárních děl klasické hudby potěšily a výrazně přispěly k dobré náladě na sklonku loňského roku. Jen škoda, že například symfonická báseň Vlava (i když není tak dlouhá), byla odehrána právě jen fragmentem....
Absolutely incredible!! Loved every moment, cried several times. The concert was fabulous.
Nepříjemný zážitek je vždy na začátku koncertu, kdy opoždění diváci docházejí po druhé skladbě nebo v jejím průběhu...
Ale jinak úžasný hudební zážitek a radost.
A stunning way to spend a couple of hours in Prague. The Chapel is stunning and the music was really lovely. A beautiful experience.
Koncert byl úžasný! Hltala jsem každou minutu. Paní zpěvačka úžasná!🙂 Hodina uteče opravdu rychle.
Prague Ticket Office:
Vážená paní Svobodová,
děkujeme za nádhernou recenzi, která potěší také pořadatele koncertu.
S přáním všeho dobrého
Tým Via Musica
Uplifting and emotional concert in a small, intimate setting. The range of musical and vocal presentations exceeded expectations.
Wonderful musicians and a great programme. Highlight of our holiday in Pague
We enjoyed the performance of Don Giovanni very much.
Very good and enjoyable performance in a wonderful theatre.
Bylo to krásné, některé melodie známé, jiné jsme nikdy neslyšeli, moc děkujeme.
Prague Ticket Office:
Vážená paní Horčáková,
moc děkujeme za Vaše milá slova, která potěší i pořadatele koncertu.
Přejeme krásné Vánoce!
Úžasný zážitek. Kdyby ty bylo možné, jdu znovu hned!
We had a wonderful evening of classical and festive music with excellent musicians and a soprano with an enchanting voice. I highly recommend this venue - the acoustics were tremendous and the surrounding mirrors added to the special experience.
A wonderful professional performance by musicians and soloist, with a selection of familiar and new arrangements.
My only complaint is the use of cell phones to film or record the concerts. I feel that while the music is being performed phones should be shut off as the phone screens are very distracting. I feel that an announcement to this regard should be made before the performance.
Výborný výběr děl, skvělá interpretace umělkyní.
Entertaining with fine motivation by actors
A magic and unforgettable event.
Nice selection of music. It would have been good to have more Czech pieces
Excellent. Beautiful, beautiful music . The soloist was amazing. A wonder to watch the whole concert in a venue with baroque architecture. For the experience the ticket price was good. Bonus... the benches had heated pads on them. Would recommend to anyone.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Grebin,
We are glad that you enjoyed an excellent concert in St. Giles Church. Thank you for your kind words, which will also please the organizer.
Best regards
El quinteto de cuerda muy bueno y la soprano y el barítono excelentes.
Excelente montaje de la ópera. Todos los artistas de grandes voces y muy buena actuación escénica. De las seis óperas que vimos en estas dos semanas fue la mejor
Buen montaje escénico y muy buenos artistas. Nos hubiera gustado la traducción en español.
Buen Montaje y Buenos artistas.
Un montaje muy singular e interesante, diferente, sobre todo atrayendo la presencia de niños.
super performance vocale! La traduction est appréciée!
Great music in a wonderful atmosphere! If you are there, just do it!
Trop de monde, nous ne voyons pas bien les artistes.
Le son de l'orgue n'est pas extraordinaire
krásné prostředi kostela s výbornou akustikou, hudebníci i zpěvačka byli úžasní
jen to trochu kazil někdo sedící za námi, kdo neustále popotahoval...
Amazing event and very emotional at some moments & also funny at times.
It lasted just 50 minutes and not am hour.
An outstanding ensemble of talent set in a breathtaking venue. This one hour concert was a masterpiece to all of your senses.
Splnilo to vše, co jsem si od vánočního koncertu představovala. Bylo tam všechno a dokonalý zvuk to povýšil do nebes. Fantastický.
Musicianship was amazing. Audience was atrocious with people holding their phone high above their head to videotape. Absolutely appalling. You should not allow pictures especially videotaping during the performance. It took away entirely from the experience and made every audience member frustrated, annoyed and livid.
Fabulous location and wonderful music, the one hour concert was just perfect
Hudba vyborna a zanechala krasny dojem
Velmi me zklamalo obleceni navstevniku. Jeden pan mel dokonce teplaky.
Very nice event. Would have loved to hear a brief introduction and hello with the very beginning. Also it did not feel heated my mother was rather cold during the concert.
Wonderful! Fabulous building, and beautiful opera. Loved the production, it was really great!
It was a great experience for me and my friends . Something very special that we enjoyed and I fully recommend at the list of your things to do, if you are visiting the Prague. I love the classic music, but hearing it, in that old church, it make me feel very good and something new for me.
Úžasné autentické a povznášející umělecké výkony
We had a wonderful time. I recommend it to everyone visiting Prague. It is an amazing show. The actors and dancers elevate the performance.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Symeoudaki,
Thank you for your kind words and we are glad that you enjoyed the performance at the Image Theatre.
Best regards
Jen zpozdeny zacatek kvůli nákupu vstupenek cizincům u dveří. Hudba nádherná.
Výborný koncert, super interpreti. Snáď príliš silné osvetlenie v kostole.
This is only my second opera so it was a little difficult to follow the story, especially without being able to fully see the subtitles. However, it was a beautiful performance!
Très bel endroit, dommage que l'endroit où sont installés les musiciens manque de visibilité; impossible de voir leurs mains jouées ....juste un crâne par ci par là.... L'oreille et le visuel sont nécessaires pour ce genre de spectacle.
Très bel opéra avec une mise en scène et des chanteurs étonnants. A voir sans hésitation.
Excellent concert et programme dans un lieu magique
À ne pas manquer
Wonderful performance and superb organization.
First class performance by excellent musicians. The choice of music was perfect and very moving emotionally. The final piece, Ravel’s Bolero is one of my favourites. It brought tears to my eyes. Definitely recommend
The decorations and costumes were great but other than that it has been very hard for me to feel interseted by the story. Not that the singers/actors were bad but the casting felt off for me (ex: why use an adult to play the role of the child?)
Výborně provedená Rybova mše vánoční, výkony umělců byly na mimořádné úrovni
Cadre superbe et intimiste, très bon choix varié de musique et interprétation remarquable. Très prenant
Cadre magnifique, musiciens et chanteurs excellent
It was a beautiful performance. I would definitely recommend.
I enjoy the Opera, the singers Were very good, the scenery was modern and reflect this period in Japan in such a creative way.
Took a while before we could find the soloist and disappointed that we could not see the ensemble.
Great gala performance. Good variety and expert musicians. Very enjoyable.
It was a bless to listen to stivin live. A fatastic musician and one of it's kind.
Wonderful surroundings, beautiful sounds. Both solits were excellent.
This event was an absolute delight! The performances were truly world-class, featuring a "greatest hits" program of legendary composers such as Vivaldi, Mozart, and Beethoven. We were particularly impressed by the skill and artistry of the musicians—it’s no wonder Prague is renowned as a hub for creating orchestral film scores.
Experiencing the music up close was magical, and the inclusion of a mezzo-soprano and a special violin soloist added an extra layer of brilliance to the evening. This event exceeded all expectations, and we highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates exceptional classical music performances!
Awesome display of talent from the lead vocalists and the ballet. The cast did an excellent job. The subject matter was somewhat less interesting to me than I thought it would be but still thought provoking. I’m glad I expanded my frame of reference to include this classic.
An very enjoyable evening
Quick and efficient service and a thoroughly enjoyable performance. Thank you.
I highly appreciated the time. 2h 40m so emotional and with excellent acting
The music was wonderful, I loved all parts of the organ performance, the sound of the organ, the violin orchestra, their energy, and the soloist was spectacular. I think there was an organ piece that wasn't on the list but I think everything else was played so the extra music was very appreciated.
Fantastic in every way. Was worried when I saw the estimated time - 3 hours and 20 minutes - but luckily they had made a very wise decision to split the show into 3 parts, allowing for 2 intermissions of 20-30 minutes each. The time flew by, and we had such a lovely time.
Velmi příjemné setkání a zároveň zajímavý vhled do hudebního světa.
Thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful concert in a spectacular setting. I was very impressed with the arrangements made by the very talented musicians! The singer was also excellent!
Very perfekt Performance of the musicians. Director, Kalaf and Turandot
I loved it. The music was beautiful.
A lovely hour long recital in the Mirror Chapel. One of the higjlights of our visit to Prague. I would not hesitate to recomnend!
Výtečná dramaturgie - výborné výkony - skvělá atmosféra.
Výkon hudebníků byl profesionální.
Jediné co mi chybělo je slovní uvedení jednotlivých skladeb, jistě by to jinak vynikající provedení skladeb ještě umocnilo. Dostali jsme sice tištěný program, ale to není ono.
Cizinci by komentář mohli mít případně v tištěné podobě, ale tady jsme v Praze, tak pro nás pár Čechů, kteří takovéto akce rádi navštěvujeme by to bylo určitě fajn.
Takhle to je takové komerční, přijde umělec, rychle se odehraje program a konec. Myslím si, že je potřeba v dnešní době zvolnit a takovéto věci si náležitě a v pohodě užívat.
Please remove the organist. It was a disaster
Très bon choix de musique et excellent musicien
A very good performance, opera and the orchestra. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
Superb performance!
The Mozart character was a little unnecessary.
I really enjoyed learning about Taiwan from these three performers, who emphasised plurality of opinion. It provided a lot of food for thought! Sometimes, the English surtitles for the Chinese parts moved across a little quickly, but I managed to grasp the vast majority of the messaging as I also understand Mandarin Chinese. It was a wide-ranging presentation about the country's history, culture and status and therefore very informative.
What a magnificent building, it is just the perfect environment to listen to a fantastic performance of Tosca. The orchestra - Prague Philharmonic - were wonderful too.
A must experience.
The play was relevant, intelligent and thought-provoking. It was inspiring and could be applied to many different situations and locations, even though the circumstances might be different. It showed a very specific state of affairs (which resonate with current world affairs and intl. relations), but in a way that felt close and connected to everybody in the public (at least to me), and I guess this is because it was conveyed through personal experiences and viewpoints. It was rich in perspectives, diversity (age, background, approach), and intellectually sophisticated, while beautifully simple, almost fable-like. I was visiting Prague from Spain and was lucky to be able to attend. During the final ovation, I wanted to stand up, but nobody was standing, and Iwasn't sure whether it is something that is done in the Czech Rep., so I just didn't, sorry. It was superb. Thank you!
An amazing moment in a beautiful room ! Big thanks to the musicians.
The only point that could have improved the experience is that I would have liked to hear more of Czek composers. I could have stayed listening to Smetana's Vltava for hours !
Tout était très bien ! Un seul point à revoir peut-être : les traductions de l'allemand vers le tchèque par le personnage (Mozart ?) allongeaient inutilement le spectacle.
Very informative and the tour allowed us to see mostly everything in the theatre.
Nous ( 3 personnes ) avons été enchantés par la mise en scène et surtout par la qualité vocale des interprètes, en particulier la soprano et le ténor.
Spectacle à recommander aux amateurs d'art lyrique.
L’eliair d’amore was lighthearted and thoroughly enjoyable! Great and imaginative set indeed. The cast gave it their all and the lead talents were superb! Well done everyone!
What was truly remarkable was the dancers performance and the attentive staff. What a wonderful evening in Prague!
Concert de musique classique d’excellente qualité. Un moment magique hors du temps.
Fabulous preformance. Very impressed
We very much enjoyed the one hour concert. The choice of music was very pleasing. All the musicians were excellent, but particularly the strings and in particular the leader/lead violin player
Kvalitní produkce, kvalitní výkony. Bravo.
Exceptional in every way. The magnificent centrepiece to our visit. A performance of the highest quality and a wonderful production.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Simmons,
Thank you for your kind words, which will surely please the organizer. We are glad that you enjoyed such a great evening at Prague State Opera.
Best regards
The venue is beautiful. We did feel that not being able to see the musicians, who are up in a gallery and behind the audience, for most of the concert was disappointing. Seeing the musicians play is such a key part of a concert and this was largely missing until the last 10-15 minutes. There also seemed to be some issues with the tuning in the final part. The programme had a good variety of composers.
This was an excellent concert in a beautiful venue. Definitely worth the cost of admission. The musicians were outstanding.
Enjoyed thoroughly. A very good selection of pieces, performed very well by the musicians, where the venue and the ambiance further elevates the event.
Including a map link to the ticket (pdf file) could help the visitor get there.
Beautiful setting inside the Mirror Chapel. The music was delightful and the musicians very talented. We also enjoyed the glorious voice of the opera singer and the amazing organ.
Wonderful venue , smaller than the larger opera houses in Europe but unbelievably beautiful inside . Excellent performances in the Magic Flute and the Orchestra. Traveling from Australia, well worth the trip.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Thompson,
We are glad that you enjoyed your evening at the Esattes Theatre. Thank you for your kind words.
Best regards
nous etions a la 1ere. petit couac de decors en plein milieu entre 2 actes. rien de grave. la magie opère quand meme. y suis allee avec mes ados. c'etait parfait pour leur permettre de decouvrir l'opera
Prague Ticket Office:
Chère Madame Bertholus,
nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié votre soirée à l'Opéra d'Etat. Nous vous remercions pour votre commentaire !
Pas obligatoirement fan de musique classique cette expérience dans une petite salle et très proche des artistes m'a permis d'apprécier leur virtuosité. Beau répertoire pour tous les goûts.
Excellent and wide ranging concert
I just have one word for this play: AMAZING. The full company actors were unbeliavably excellent, the voices were astonishing, the musicians were perfect and the atmosphere was totally immersive, you could perfectly relate what the characters were feeling. The subtitles were also working perfectly: the actors were speaking in French but the subtitles were in Czech and English, it's definetly the opera I would most recommend to see in Prague. Furthermore, even the seat I took was "poor visibility" in the gallery, in the National Theatre, you can clearly see everything, there is just a little risk that you might have a column in front of you, blocking partially the view.
It's a MUST classical theatre play. Amazingly portrayed in Czech, but with clear English subtitles for non-Czech speaking people. If you take a "poor visibility" seat in any of the galleries in the National Theatre, do not worry, the visibility is good anyways, the only risk is to have a column in front of you which may partially block the view.
It's a MUST classical opera, very well portrayed for Czech and English - speaking people. The actors are wonderful. The only couple of recommendations I could make: do not book in the Estates Theatre a very far away seat from the scenario, since it's true that the visibility is poor (for example, in the other hand, in the National Theatre, the visibility is good even the announcement of "poor visibility") and for people who are not used to see operas: read BEFORE going there the plot of the play since it is very complicated to understand it by the play itself.
Koncert byl velice pěkný, ale bohužel organizátoři na tak úchvatné a vážné hudební dílo, jakým je "mše za zemřelé", do chámu vpustili (asi) korejskou rodinu - mladí manželé s asi 5letou holčičkou, kteří během celého koncertu šustili sušenkami, v chrámu v průběhu koncertu pojídali, pili a hráli si s dítětem. Bohužel na mé námitky o jídle v chrámu, tím více u skladby Requiem téměř nezareagovali. Také máme 5letého vnuka, ale na takový koncert a do chrámu bych jej nevzala a předpokládám, že by si to organizátoři také měli uvědomit.
wonderful music played by highly talented musicians
We enjoyed the caliber of performers. Very talented and enjoyed what they were doing. As non-Czech speakers, we had to work hard to follow the story, and felt quite lost much of the time. Would have liked to have had even a synopsis in English about what we’d be seeing and putting the pieces together so it felt less disjointed and had a richer meaning.
Úžasný hluboký zážitek v neobyčejném prostředí
Prague’s Tampas ballets and concerts are good introductions to the greatest hit classical pieces in spectacular venues. If you have attended full length professional performances in the past, theses sampler concerts may be a bit of a let down. On the plus side, it is wonderful there are so many job opportunities for artists compared to almost anywhere else in the world.
Une excellente prestation à tous les niveaux. Les danseurs remarquables sont totalement en symbiose avec l'orchestre et la mise en scène est somptueuse. Beaucoup d'énergie et un spectacle envoûtant.
A fabulous production with amazing choreography.
I thoroughly enjoyed this concert - great choice of music, which sounded amazing in this incredible venue. A wonderful experience.
Concert de très bonne qualité. Nous avons adoré la voix de la soprano soliste.
The subtitles were perfectly placed for the upper galleries to read easily. The performance was perfect and the orchestra were amazing to listen to.
Skupina byla velmi spokojena jak výběrem repertoáru, tak provedením.
Sextet and vocalist were very good but the organist’s playing was bland and uninspired imo, e. G little registration change on the toccata that I could detect. Also, I believe several items on the program were changed.
Excellent jazz experience with a small group on a boat watching Prague scenes
Good performance of "La Traviata". But the stage can be organized better.
A wonderful concert, outstanding performance
Such a beautiful venue in a church with excellent acoustics. We loved the string quintet, the soprano and the organist. I only wish there was a listing of the composers and the music selection. I love classical music but don’t always know information about a specific music selection,
Venue was fantastic.
Theatre was magical.
Performance was outstanding.
Thank you for for sharing your culture and talents!
Great original music with echoes of Weather Report with Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Shorter, and Josef Zawinul.
This was an excellent and informative tour. We saw all levels of the theatre and were able to see the beautiful auditorium from multiple perspectives. Our guide was very knowledgeable and provided very helpful historical context for the development and maintenance of this impressive building.
Food was tasty, quintet was stellar, duet was clever, powerful, beautiful.
The concert was great! Beautiful music, terrific job on the part of the orchestra!
We have had a very good evening.
very excellent evening with amazing opera singer and good souper
Excellent medley of classical music brilliantly played by the Parnass Ensemble. I was especially pleased with the selections they chose, their musical techniques, and concert venue. I strongly recommend this event for all persons who enjoy classical music and urge persons not to be dissuaded by the idea of a “medley “.
The concert was very pleasant, they played very well-known pieces and the musicians did it very well.
Koncert byl skvělý, program krásně ladil s prostředím chrámu Cyrila a Metodeje.
Úžasný zážitek!
Nádherný koncert v krásných prostorách
S velkou pokorou a úctou děkujeme za krásný hudební večer! Skandinávské baroko byl opravdu hluboký umělecký zážitek a souboru přejeme mnoho úspěchů a mnoh dalších spokojených diváků a posluchačů. Mimochodem - i ukázky poezie neměly chybu nejen obsahem, ale i uměleckým přednesem.
V.Brůček s manželkou
Absolutely first class event! Loved the choice of music and the excellent musicians!
Excellent production of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk which is a very difficult to pull off.
The orchestra and organ were excellent! The singer’s voice is beautiful however, in my honest opinion, she has a slightly different song range to what was included in the program. Her voice is breathtaking, but the songs she sang were chosen wrong for her.
Spectacle à la « chaplin » , poétique et pour petits et grands
amazing moment! The lyric singer was awesome and the sound of the place is incredible. I recommand!!
Beautiful music but very short!
Was not as good value for money as some other musical events.
Delightful performance - very enjoyable evening - would highly recommend
Program se nám líbil, výkony na vysoké úrovni. Děkujeme a zase se těšíme na další koncert.
Thank you for the wonderful experience at the Images of love performance!
I have already seen other black theaters in Prague and one in Spain. It was always nice and interesting.
But the HILT theater surprised me a lot, especially that it was not in a large theater hall, but in an intimate environment and the actors and everything were so close to the audience! Awesome!
I have a question - there was the final song - in Czech language. Is it the original song of this theater group for this show? Can this song be found somewhere? E.g. on Youtube or Spotify?
Thank you for your reply and for the easy ticket arrangement, we will certainly use the Prague ticket office again next time and will recommend it to our friends.
Julianne Nowak
Great music, we had very good time
A beautiful opera, masterfully performed, with no lulls throughout the two-hour magnificent show.
However, be cautious! Our tickets, automatically translated in french by the Prague Ticket Office website, indicated Theatre de l’Etat, which was the wrong venue! We had to take a taxi in a rush, just ten minutes before the show started, to make it to the correct location—the Opera de l’Etat.
A magnificent evening in the ballroom of the Grand Hotel Bohemia! Had a box tucked away to the side and right next to the artists which offered a splendid view of the performance. The dinner was served elegantly and each set was followed by a course of the meal. Didn't realise how time flew. Daniel and Julie were marvelous as baritone and soprano and acted well too.
A highly recommend experienced for classical music lovers while in Prague.
Captain Fingers are excellent musicians. They played us songs jazzy style as announced and showed us their virtuosity during solos with care and enjoyment. A lovely encore was served for desert. Thanks for the memorable evening.
Really enjoyed opera. Cast and orchestra were excellent.
Wonderful concert in an amazing setting. Very enjoyable. Only thing to make this better is to not oversell the venue. It was a bit crowded with chairs in the isle ways. Other than that it was an amazing g experience. Highly recommend.
The performance was outstanding and the concert hall as well. Rudolfinum is more perfect than perfection itself.
We very much enjoyed the opera – it was an effective staging and a delight to listen to the singing and music - and a bold move by Dvorak and his librettist to have the prima donna unable to sing for most of the second act. Seeing it in the place where it debuted was also a thrill.
Kvalita hudebníků byla vynikající. Výběr skladeb byl trochu divoký mix.
concert agréable avec de la musique accessible à un grand public
Un pianiste exceptionnel dans un cadre fabuleux, 2 heures de bonheur!
Nevychovaný fotograf téměř polovinu vystoupení fotil nad mou hlavou. Takže místo posvátných chórů jsem musel poslouchat cvakání závěrky. Na upozornění, se ani neomluvil a dále pokračoval ve focení než nasupeně odkráčel..
We enjoyed every minute of it. The music, the dancing, the athmosphere, the food......everything. Perfect. Highly recommended. Hope to visit again next year.
Audience too close to the stage. Disappointed with the dancing level and often was not in sync with the props. The fact that the stage went across the entrance meant you could not leave until the performance was finished. Chairs were uncomfortable, especially since there was no intermission. Overall we were very disappointed. I do however recommend their inclusion policy.
Truly remarkable musician , supported by more fantastic musicians. A total triumph
Byl to nevšední zážitek, všichni účinkující hráli výborně. Chystám se na další koncert 1. prosince.
Excellent performance, beautiful voice, great location. A nice break after the Prague trip in old town. The songs selection are great as well.
Mladí hudebníci mají skvělou energii a nadšení, které vkládají do skladeb. Moc příjemné na poslech. Překvapilo mně, jak byli skvěle sehraní, čekala jsem studenty, ale jejich vystoupení by mohlo znít v sále Rudolfina.:)
Excellent production, great vocalists, marvelous opera house!
Excellent! Beautiful concert hall and I was thankful that photography and video was not allowed during the performance unlike what I read on reviews of other mini performances at other venues. My balcony seat was perfect to take it all in. I think I would choose a spot closer to the railing in the future. The columns nearly blocked my view and they did for others. Wasn't too long either. First performance was 30 minutes, followed by a 20 minute intermission (with wine available for purchase), then a 45 minute performance rounded things out. Close to a metro stop so I felt safe getting back to my hotel as a single, solo traveler.
Lovely selection of music and excellent performance. It would have been good to find the programme more easily.
koncert v Kostele svatého Martina ve zdi byl nádherný, byla jsem již několikrát.
The soprano soloist was really, really amazing!
The performance overall was very enjoyable.
De bons musiciens. Des œuvres très basiques, très bien interprétées.
Excellent service, nice restrooms, suitable food and wines.
Nice experience for anyone who can appreciate classical music and some organ. I recommend buying tickets online, you get front row seating usually.
The Church of St. Giles was a beautiful venue and also a convenient location in Old Town. My son and I were blown away by the quality of the performance, the organist and vocalist were superb. This was an uplifting performance that energized us for a wonderful evening enjoying food and sightseeing.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Rath,
We are glad that you and your son enjoyed the concert at St. Giles Church. Thank you for your kind words!
Best regards
We absolutely loved the staging, the orchestra and especially the performance of Denys
Pivnitskyi as Otello!
What a great singer and actor!
The most outstanding performance from such talented musicians and singer.
Great music and food. Although the portions were quite small.
Musicians were accomplished. They involved the audience well. Food and drink excellent.
Koncert se mi velmi líbil.
Prague Ticket Office:
Vážená paní Musilová,
děkujeme za milá slova, která potěší i pořadatele koncertu.
Přejeme hezké podzimní dny (nejen) s hudbou!
Horrific theatrical adaptation and choreography. Unnecessarily politicized. A large number of people left after the intermission. I was hoping to enjoy this with my family but we left deeply disappointed.
We can highlyrecommend this concert. We would never have thought that the well-known pieces such as Hallelujah, Bohemian Rhapsody etc. can be adapted so well for strings and trumpet. The interior of the synagogue in itself is fantastic and the acoustics are unique.
It would have been great if there had been a programme for the entire concert, even if it had only been a printed and copied page.
La musique est beaucoup trop forte
Only negative was they sold our tickets twice, but luckily, we arrived early enough to secure our seats. Otherwise, it was a wonderful concert with highly skilled performers.
Vyborny zazitek, sympaticti muzikanti, vynikajici vykom 1. houslisty, program zajimave sestaven, velmi hezke prostredi, radi zase jednou prijdeme.
Po technicke strance dobre a ucelne pripravene (vstupeky).
Beautiful one hour of well known music by chamber orchestra in beautiful Smetina Hall! Many pieces also included young talented ballerinas and others had a powerful soprano hitting some very high notes. Hall appeared not amplified and also very long so recommend getting tickets closer to front
Sehr originelle und professionelle Darbietung.
Un concert magnifique dans un lieu merveilleux
dobré bylo aktivní zapojení obecenstva do zpěvu, příště klidně zopakovat
Pianist hands were unbalanced. LH far too loud in nearly all pieces. Melody drowned/pedalling poor in the Mozart blurring some good articulation. pp even p seemed to be missing in his expressive range.
The show was 5 star, the meal was 3 Star the venue is exquisite
Very enjoyable. Exceptional talent.
Great singers, good orchestra.
I loved the theater!
The orchestra and lead performers were superb from the opening beat to the end.
Sadly I must write a very poor review of Abrakadabra Black Light Show. This extremely amateurish show unfortunately did not have any redeeming qualities. We could not believe what we witnessed as a 25 Euro professional performance. It was a complete waste of money and of our valuable time. To think of all the fabulous offerings in Prague, and we chose this one. We have lamented this choice all day and I only wish we would have requested a refund. We have never seen such a poor performance as this. We feel misled in the advertising and although this review may seem extremely scathing, it comes in all honesty.
výjimečný zážitek, úžasné prostředí a skvělá krásná sopranistka, určitě si rádi zopakujeme
A powerful and moving production of Otello by Verdi with wonderful individual performances and exceptional choir pieces. An evening to remember with a highly enthusiastic audience.
Excellent performance at a beautiful theater. All of my opera experiences at Prague have been positive due to reasonable ticket prices, stunning venues, and talented casts. Highly recommend!
Excellent performance at a beautiful theater. All of my opera experiences at Prague have been positive due to reasonable ticket prices, stunning venues, and talented casts. Highly recommend!
This was a version of The Marriage of Fígaro in modern dress, more slapstick comedy and with the addition of a black and white film projected on to the curtains depicting the apparent early life of the Almavivas. Count Almaviva had also been tranformed into an estate agent! Such ‘liberties’ didn’t add anything to the opera, in my opinion, and were therefore pointless. Why do some directors do this? DHowever, the wonderful music and the singers’ fine voices raised the production above these rather silly affectations. It’s not ideal but I’d advise closing your eyes and just listening.
It was worth an experience to have if you truly want to feel the classic symphony . Playing it in the Cathedral- was the unique experience. The vocal singer was excellent , and the experience of musicians was so enjoyable.
Fantastic evening. Thank you
Qualité des musiciens en particulier du premier violon et de la chanteuse
Répertoire varié et de qualité
What an amazing experience! A small and intimate concert in a beautiful, historic setting. Highly recommended!!
More than eight selections, performed beautifully by the three violinists, cellist, bassist and of course, the organist. The opera singer starred in half of the performances, and thrilled everyone. I sat on the aisle in the second row, the first time I had ever been so close to the performers. What an unbelievable experience and a privilege. I would have paid more!
Fantastic concert. Excellent musicians, good acoustics. The organ player was impressive. My warm recommendations.
Meziárodní varhanní festival v bazilice sv.Jakuba pod taktovkou organizátorky paní I.Chřibkové je již dlouhá léta zárukou mimořádného zážitku -
není zde nouze o skvělé interprety a tematicky laděné programy nás seznámí i s mnohdy nevšedními a "neoposlouchanými" skladbami.
Problém spočívá jen v tom, který koncert zvolit, protože většina mimopražských návštěvníků (mezi něž se také počítám) nemůže zvládnout
všechny koncerty. Nyní u mne rozhodl výběr interpreta - Karola Mossakowského, titulárního varhaníka v pařížském chrámu Sv.Sulpicia - který
navzdory svému věku dokáže varhany mistrovsky rozeznít - každou skladbu totiž nejen hraje, ale prožívá... Takže zážitek to byl ohromný.
6 musicians on strings, one organist and one soprano gave us a wonderful concert including Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Bach and Mendelssohn. They were all talented musicians playing a great choice of classical pieces packed into one hour. I could have listened to them all night.
Nous sommes des habitués avons vécu des expériences à la Scala, Fenice, ect.. et maintenant Prague ou le spectacle fut de grande qualité et le lieux magique Merci Beaucoup
This wasn’t the best version we’ve seen but there were some good voices in the cast, especially in the Queen of the Night role where the soprano hit the high notes perfectly, and also in the roles of Tamino and Papageno. Don’t quite know why they included an actor playing Mozart in the cast but he came in useful when the Czech surtitles failed and he stepped in to translate.
Koncert se mi líbil už z prostého důvodu. Chodí na něj lidé, kteří mají rádi varhanní hudbu.
Byla tam milá a přátelská atmosféra, kdy paní Irena Chřibková představila (na videu) všechny, kteří se na
koncertech podíleli . Díky za to.
This was an great production with some very good voices in the cast. We enjoyed the performance; the State Opera never disappoints.
I notice most of the classical concerts are the same programme… beethoven 5th, the Moldau, etc. I want to be able to go to several events but the choice is too similar.
Celkově perfektně připravené, vynikající varhaník
Our seats and view of stage were OK. However, the actual opera was awful, with the exception of The Song to the Moon. After you had heard that, you could happily miss the rest. We left after the 2nd act which we have NEVER done before at any opera.
Beautiful voices, perfect musicians. The staging was low budget and poor for such a rich opera.
Do not go if you are traveling in a small group! This event is only for big tourist groups (usually at least 60+ age group) and they do not prioritize small groups, couples, or solo travelers. We arrived early hoping we could sit in the front row seats. However, we were guided to sit at the very back row, saying the good seats with good views are for big groups only. The event instructions said seats are first come first serve, but that is not true.
Breathtaking performance, and a healthy mix of some of my most cherished classical and baroque pieces. Very fitting for the venue!
A very good concert with very skillful musicians. The sound in the church was very good. It would have been very informative if the had been a pamphlet with the name of the musicians and the works they played. A very big downside was the very bad seating conditions in the church. I am thinking about the benches. You should offer ordinary chairs instead.
Theater tour started punctual. The gentleman in charge of the tour was very knowledgeable and passionate about this theater story. The theater was in pristine condition and very pretty.
Překrásné.krásné,že jsme mohli sledovat i přímo interpreta-mimochodem,byl naprosto skvělý.
Bon placement et bons musiciens
C'était fabuleux. Et le bâtiment et la salle aussi. Je vais retourner dans 2 jours
A wonderful production of Elisir - the staging was terrific but simple.
The cast of singers was first rate, especially Nemorino and Adina.
The whole experience in this venerable opera house will remain a treasured experience for us.
Excellent singing, orchestra, acting and setting and three cheers for Adina.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Sheaff,
Thank you for your review, we are glad you enjoyed your evening at the State Opera!
PTO team
One of the finest performances we have ever attended !!!
The venue an incredible audio experience naturally enhancing the instruments and singer. The program is a combination of light classical and Broadway show tunes. An enjoyable hour of music.
Repertoire that could have been banal, rendered excellent through great arrangements and impeccable execution. Special mention to the hypnotic soprano, a true siren ( with lovely tone and excellent technique).
Jazz Concert at U Maleho Glena, Prague
This intimate jazz club in Prague offered an average yet involving performance. The musicians displayed competence, though they didn't quite reach extraordinary heights. The cozy atmosphere of U Maleho Glena contributed to the experience, allowing the audience to feel connected to the music despite its imperfections. While not groundbreaking, the concert provided an engaging evening for jazz enthusiasts and casual listeners alike. The fusion of jazz, blues, and world music elements added some variety to the set, keeping the audience's interest throughout the show.
We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful music and skillful musicians. The venue was lovely as well. Good length of concert and we liked the smaller venue and number of people.
Interesting interpretation of the magic flute (not just "vanilla"). Good singing and music, even humour!
Výborná večeře a skvělý koncert
Un peu déçue. Il y a un côté attrape-touristes. Il n'y a pas de belles lumières, seules les lumières de salle de répétition (ils n'ont pas voulu payer un régisseur ?), du coup les solistes qui doivent être en avant-scène à cause de l'orchestre n'ont pas le visage éclairé. L'orchestre est en version réduite et c'est le chef d'orchestre qui est le pianiste, donc il joue dos au public. Pour le chant la cantatrice était bien mais le chanteur était un basse (marqué sur le programme) et chantait des partitions de baryton-basse (Figaro par exemple) avec des notes parfois trop hautes pour lui. Pour la danse, le niveau en danse classique n'était vraiment pas élevé (la danseuse n'avait même pas de pointes, pas de pirouettes ni sauts...), le danseur un peu mieux mais limite quand même. C'était mieux quand ls faisaient de la valse. Bref, comme le lieu est magnifique et que les airs sont chouettes, ça passe, mais 1h de spectacle de ce niveau pour 50 euros, c'est quand même abusé.
Wonderful concert in beautiful surroundings. The artists are so talented. Definitely recommend this event
Nice performance of three very good musicians in a wonderful room with good acoustics. The concert was announced to last one hour. Unfortunately it ended after 44 minutes without reasons I don’t know.
Krásná kombinace úžasné hudby, opery a baletu!
Great Opera with excellent artists. Top notch. Beautiful venue, very professional and polite staff.
Repas ok, mais très vite expédié, ambiance troisième âge en quête de sensations simples. Excentré de la ville, pas pratique d'accès, personnel efficace, rapide. Bien trop cher pour la prestation (piège à touriste).......
Nous avons été très heureux et impressionnés de découvrir cet opéra. Nous avons ressenti que le compositeur nous dévoilait l'esprit tchèque dans toute sa splendeur, sa spontanéité et sa joie de vivre.
Fabuleux endroit. Public de qualité. Bel accueil.
Thoroughly enjoyed the opera and the orchestra!
Great opera! Wonderful sopranos and actors.
Great to see a Smetana opera with a great cast. Loved it.
The modernization of the opera was done in poor taste. The staging was cheap and mostly confusing. To make the experience even worse, there was no Air conditioning in the theatre, on a rather hoy day. The orchestra and the singers were rather good.
Skvělé, jako vždy. Nápaditá a pestrá dramaturgie. Largo v úpravě pro varhany bylo božské a skladba od J. Gemrota pro klarinet a varhany byla nesporně zajímavá.
Magnificent performance on a magnificent instrument in a magnificent setting. It’s just hard to get any better than that. Will be back. If you’re coming to Prague, make sure you’re coming here when the Organ Festival is going on. Strong recommend.
The building is amazing and the experience. The choir was outstanding.
Es la primera vez que vemos una ópera y a partir de hoy vamos a ser unos habituales en ellas gracias a vosotros. Una grandísimo trabajo y unos grandísimos actores, excelente!
I immediately felt welcome and comfortable. The music and atmosphere was truly delightful and highly professional. Food was outstanding and service impeccable. Adela Zejfartova was truly delightful. Never lost that enchanting smile and perfect pitch in her talented performances. Loved it.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Newcomb,
Thank you for your words, which make the organizers and us very happy. We are very glad that you enjoyed your trip on the Jazz Boat.
Best regards
Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit exzellenten Darstellern und Musikern, einer pointierten Inszenierung, tollen Kostümen.
Vynikající výkon paní Bublové, výborná dramaturgie, krásné prostředí baziliky.
Skvelý program a prekvapivo dobré jedlo.
We enjoyed the variety of works by different classical composers, including several Czech composers. The musicians, a string ensemble, soprano soloist, and organist, were excellent.
Todo muy bien, comida, musica y paseo por el rio.
Great concert. Loved the brass, the organ and the combination. The Gershwin and Verdi particularly good.
Perfect setting for a journey through the world of classical music, amazing artists! 60min duration was ideal for my 6yo
Wonderful building. Possible to travel by public transit. Excellent performance. Good prices,
Objevný, pestrý program ve znamenitém provedení.
A unique experience indeed. Had all four soloists performed during the same event, it would have been even better.
Un moment inoubliable dans un lieu magnifique. À faire absolument
Très beau concert, orchestre et soprano de grande qualité
Nous avons passé une excellente soirée
Et recommandons ce concert
The decor was done in a modern way, which was quite awesome. The lightning strikes being realized with actual white light effects was a great touch. All of the main cast could sing incredibly well, hitting every note perfectly even when going from a high range to a low range. The Va Pensierra part of the opera was also quite magical, everyone coming out of the prison and singing the most famous part was done incredibly well. Overall I am super satisfied and would recommend this opera to anyone - even those that haven't gone to an opera before.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Schumacher,
Thank you for your feedback, we are glad that you enjoyed a great evening in the State Opera.
Superb music and acoustics. Top three performers were amazing. Strong, dramatic voices. Set was well done. Loved the multiple language options at the seat.
The Christmas Concert we attended in the Klementinum Mirror Chapel was definitely a highlight during our visit to Prague in December 2023. We immediately wished we had gone sooner, so we could have attended another concert during our 6 night stay! Our experience was that good! We hope to visit Prague again in the near future, and will definitely make another concert one of our priorities!
Concert indispensable pour la découverte de Prague : les morceaux choisis, brillamment exécutés, montrent toute la richesse musicale de cette magnifique ville, mélomane.
Concert d'orgue & trompette, très émouvant par la brillante qualité d’exécution des morceaux très bien choisis
Très beau concert d'une qualité remarquable, inhérent à la visite du quartier juif.
We really wanted to see some live classical music while we were in Prague. We chose this event, and really loved it. The room was beautiful, the sound was really incredible and the musicians were top notch. We were traveling as a couple with our 19 year old son, and we’re not huge followers of classical music and we all loved this performance, from beginning to end. We highly recommend it.
Very good performers, good location and seats good audio quality and lights
I expected a bigger orchestra to play Vivaldi but it was only 5 people. A very few people attended. The price charged was way too high for what they offered. We were family of four with four adult tickets in category A.
I paid for category A assuming that there will be many people. Would have picked cheaper one and it wouldn’t have made a difference. The misicians were good but not enough members to play Four Seasons. It would have been better if there was a bigger orchestra playing.
The tourists were really loud with chairs and talking "silently" to each other and no one was penalized . Too many kids that made noise, it should be only for adults. Also tourists came in even after the concert had started and they had their phones raised and I couldnt see the concert. Too many tracks were played withing 1 hour with consequence some tracks were played faster than it should be. Also the tourists clapped before some tracks were finished and it was really annoying. Some musicians made tiny mistakes that only musicians can understand.
The sound at the C seats was not loud and also there was no warning before concert about what each seat class mean. So overall I would say that it is a tourist trap and you should be ashamed of. At least the soprano, the bassist and the solo violinist were good.
Fantastic performance. Really fun way to experience the venue.
One thing I would note/recommend is removing children that can’t behave A kid went up to play the piano before the show, kept getting up and running in front of the performers during the show, was loud … no one was there to remove him. It’s a paid experience, I don’t think It’s unreasonable to ask for
The programme consisted of well-known classics. Despite the talented soprano and organist the arrangements from Mozart’s Requiem and Verdi’s Aida for soloists did not work for me. The string players of the Royal Czech Orchetra were excellent, especially the lead violinist.
Petit orchestre de bonne composition.
C'était très bien orchestré et la restitution des morceaux musicaux était appréciable.
Mais pour le prix élevé, on aurait espéré plus de moyens, plus d'instruments, plus de chœurs et de violons.
La chanteuse, bien que très professionnelle, était trop omniprésente et ce concert ressemblait plus à une prestation chantée accompagnée d'un orchestre plutôt qu'à un véritable concert classique. Le choix de la programmation était assez pauvre et trop axé sur des morceaux de variété loin du classique attendu (quel ennui ce Titanic et Frozen....).
Le touriste s'est fait piéger, mais n'est pas dupe et ne se fera plus avoir. Surtout à ce prix !!
Wonderful ! We had a great time :)
Wonderful musicians performing a variety of classical pieces. The performers were excellent and seemed to really enjoy playing together. We especially enjoyed the singer.
Nádherný koncert mladé německé varhanice, pěkný repertoár a skvělé provedení. Velice mile nás překvapilo, že jsme mohli i na veliké obrazovce sledovat videopřenosem přímo varhany a její hru, úžasný zážitek. Děkujeme
Our kids (7, 9, 11) absolutely loved the show. It was the perfect length for them with all the best parts.
Program byl vybraný s ohledem na předpokládané publikum. Bohužel v auditoriu seděli i znalci hudby,byť byli cizinci,velice dobře znají díla Smetany- zkrácení Vltavy vyvolalo opravdu silnou kritiku. Stejně tak interpretace předehry z opery Aida na varhany - nezlobte se,ale to byl paskvil. To není skladba pro varhany.
Byť rychlost varhanika byla neskutečná,spíše to vyznělo stylem- “ať to rychle odehraju a můžu jít “- klasické KMČ. I cizinci to hodnotili stejně- bez emočního projevu
Možná méně skladeb v celé délce by zasloužily více uznání, hudebníci i zpěvačka podali velmi dobrý výkon.
I na tyto koncerty chodí milovníci vážné hudby a znalci či poloprofesionálové. Za tuto cenu by asi ocenili skladby bez úpravy
Omlouvám se,že píšu takto rozvláčně, předpokládám,že mnoho komentářů nedostáváte.
J'étais très curieuse d'assister à un spectacle de Theatre Noir, dont j'avais beaucoup entendu parler. Cette antologie a été un très bon compris parce que alterne les moments de pantomimes (répertoire du theatre noir le plus classique) avec des intermèdes de danse qui jouent sur l'illusion optique et les effets de lumière. Une découverte intéressante d'une forme de theatre créative et imaginative, capable de raconter, amuser, inventer d'autres univers en dehors des mots. Inspirant!
Wonderful music, excellent performance. You could feel the fun the musicians had in playing together. Especially performing the encore.
If I had stayed longer in Prague, I would’ve liked to visit another concert of this superb ensemble.
Umelci boli skveli a o to viac ma mrzelo, ze vo velkom kostole zvuk uplne zanikol. Ocakaval som vacsi zazitok. Bud mensie priestory s lepsou akustikou, alebo vacsi orchester. No mozno som len zvolil zle sedenie.
I’m also jazz musician in Korea so it was very excited and awesome night! The performers were very kindness and we told and sharerd about jazz music and playing lots of things
Fantastický zážitek, vynikající hudebnící, naprosto fenomenální sólista pan Konbrle, vše hrál bez not, z hlavy, těžké skladky, byla jsem nadšená! Vysoekvalitní akutika, koncert neměl chybu!
Fabulous venue! Beautiful room and set up and the programme was very enjoyable . My suggestion would be for these talented musicians to be introduced after the first item so we can get to know them a bit as their names are not in the programme . At the same time let us know the name of the unnamed flute solo . Very talented musicians thankyou .
- Nebylo možné koupit seniorské vstupné v předprodeji
- Když už používáte projekci tak jste mohli uvádět pomocí titulků jednotlivé skladby.
Krásný koncert v krásném prostředí kostela sv. Jakuba.
Tolle Atmosphäre, wunderbar unterhaltsame Stücke mit viel Liebe zum Detail!
Wir hatten viel Spaß
Wonderful experience, the only thing I would change is the meal to be served in the pause between the two parts of the concert.
Superb mixture of artistry and comedy
Wonderful concert , I recomend.
Great concert in a wonderful and marvellous place. I recomend.
This was a wonderful concert featuring an excellent organist and two talented singers in a venue with wonderful acoustics. I think it's marvelous that it is possible for anyone visiting Prague to enjoy a short performance in such a remarkable space at a very reasonable cost. Bravo!
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Martin,
We are glad that you enjoyed the concert at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and thank you for your warm words.
Best regards
Eva from Prague Ticket Office
Skvělý sólista na housle a sopránistka, celkový dojem z koncertu v krásném prostředí Zrcadlové kaple adresovaného běžnému turistovi je velmi dobrý.
Good music, good acoustic, good singer and musicians
Incredible music and musicians. Absolutely some of the best talent you will come across in Europe. The hour spent listening to this concert was a true highlight of our trip to Prague.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Nielsen,
Thank you for your warm words, together with the organizer we are glad that you enjoyed the concert at St. Gilles Church.
Best regards
Eva from Prague Ticket Office
I was pleasantly surprised by this concept.
Vše skvěle zorganizováno, milý uvadející a velice příjemná atmosféra.
Musiciens très talentueux. Conforme aux attentes.
Unique atmosphere. The contrabassist was amazing in the evening of 01/08/2024
Dobrý den,
fantastický technický výkon, ohromné dynamické i harmonické změny. Avšak celkový dojem spíše depresivní, ponurý
Úžasný hudobný zážitok s kvalitnými hudobníkmi.
The concert was beautiful, the musicians were professional and excellent in every way. It was a beautiful evening in Prague.
Byl to jeden z nejkrásnějších hudebních zážitků.
Le rythme n’y était pas - la synchronisation pas des meilleures - très « simpliste » pas ressenti d’émotion .
po kostele se potulovalo pri koncertu pár lidí, byť potichu, rušili
zvuk nebyl takový, jaký by člověk v katedrále očekával, ani úvodní slovo nebylo dobře slyšet
výběr skladeb uprostřed programu - uspávací
It is truly sad to see musicians with great potentials reduced themselves to music performance such as what we have witness. My 12 year-old counted better than the group, and my 16 year old takes any performance more seriously than them.
We were glad we attended the concert. My children witnessed with their own eyes what bad music is like.
This was one of the highlights of our two weeks in Czech Republic. This gorgeous venue and the talented performers and great dinner will be in our memory for a long time. It was so elegant. What an opportunity to be so close to the performers in an intimate setting.
Definitely one of the most memorable shows I have watched! From the event, musician(s) and singer. Bravo! A MUST DO when you are in Prague!
Excellent spectacle/ virtuose de l'orgue.
I enjoyed the performance very much! It was such a lovely experience to hear live classical music perfectly executed in a beautiful, original space. It actually bought tears to my eyes. Thank you also for offering a Senior Discount = very generous of you,
Keep up the stunning performances.
The only thing that surprised me is how the audience clapped at the end of sections where I was expecting a silent transition. I have always liked to "hear " the silence of how the orchestra transitions sections within a larger piece.
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Ms. Swider,
Thank you very much for your kind words, which pleased us and the organizer. We are glad that you enjoyed the beautiful music in the Smetana Hall.
Best regards
Eva from Praue Ticket Office
Milý, přátelský personál a především vynikající hudebníci a nezapomenutelný zážitek z výkonu špičkových operních pěvců (paní Vagenknechtová a pan Klánský)
v bezprostřední blízkosti posluchačů. Opravdu zážitek na celý život.
Prague Ticket Office:
Vážený pane Korando,
Děkujeme za Vaše vřelá slova, která velmi potěší i pořadatele Mozart Dinner. Jsme moc rádi, že jste si užil krásný hudební večer v Grandhotelu Bohemia.
Se srdečným pozdravem
Eva z týmu Via Musica
Very good selection of music. Nice mix with Opera singer.
Professional performance, good mix of pieces.
Should have trumpet players instead of playing organ all the time.
Should introduce in a few words the piece before playing it.
The level of the musicianship of the ensemble, and the soloist were exquisite. The venue, Spanish synagogue, was absolutely unique and gave the whole experience a very special significance. This was something I will remember for many years to come. Thank you!
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Schrenzel,
Together with the organizer we are very glad that you enjoyed the concert in the Spanish Synagogue. Thank you for your beautiful words!
Sincere regards
Eva from Prague Ticket Office
The concert was such a delight. Extremely talented and engaged musicians. The venue is superb. Loved it !
Nice choice of music and the dancers and orchestra are fine but the soprano is a second rate singer
We enjoyed our tour very much. Our guide was knowledgeable and helpful, with strong historical perspective as well as humor. Thanks so much!
Prague Ticket Office:
Dear Mr. Matthiessen,
Thank you for your words, we are glad you enjoyed your tour of the Estates Theatre.
Best regards
Eva from Prague Ticket Office
The performance was excellent. I would recommend anyone that is considering whether to go to just buy the tickets and enjoy the music of some really talented musicians. I would definitely go again.
First class playing in an amazing venue. Quite a spiritual, as a well as fine musical, experience.
Skvělý večer, výborný výběr skladeb.
I wanted to get inspired and read other reviews here. I don't understand if this is some spam or competition that this group unknowingly let into the theater? Or those people were at another show. Because what I saw was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. In my youth, I saw another black theater when I was still living in the Czech Republic. But I remember a lot of flying puppets, infantilism. The Magic Phantom Comedy performance is an absolutely brilliant show, a showcase of many short and varied images, funny, romantic or dramatic. The main thing is to know that the team of creators are young people, because the whole show is built in a modern way, they rely a lot on contact with the viewer. After the show, I personally spoke to the director and the actors to thank them and they are great people and artists. I'm not surprised that they have world success, they deserve it. If I hadn't left Prague, I would have had to go again the next day to find the moments I missed the first time. Thank you very much. I praise the Prague Ticket Office website - it is completely clear, the purchase is clear and simple.
Great music, musicians felt the music
Un ravissement ! Que Dieu bénisse de tels virtuoses. La cantatrice a une voix céleste. Merci à eux pour ce moment.
Prague Ticket Office:
Chère Madame Adonis,
Nous vous remercions pour vos paroles chaleureuses et nous sommes heureux que vous ayez apprécié le concert à l'église Saint-Gilles.
Eva de Prague Ticket Office
This was a very special event. The 11 players were all experts and the ensemble was beautiful. The instrumentation and spatial arrangement of the players changed frequently in order to bring out the most interesting aspects of each piece and sometimes to enhance the antiphonal character of the work being played. Especially when the piccolo trumpets played, it sounded like a big pipe organ. One of the most memorable of many concerts we have attended.
I watched black light performances before. But this one was very creative and satisfying to watch.
Although some of the sketches were not as convincing as the others. But overall it was a very good show.
A wonderfully entertaining show with great dancing and music and excellent clovnerie
We especially enjoyed Vivaldi’s summer and Beethoven’s 5th
Úžasná známá i méně známá varhanní hudba ve skvělém podání.
Pohodová hudba, vtipné texty s vtipným uváděním Petra Hasmana, dobří muzikanti, milé prostředími i chování personálu
Excellent performance, marred only—but entirely marred—by the venue problem mentioned below.
Úžasná varhanní hudba - krásné prostředí, skvělá akustika.
Très belle soirée au son des musiciens avec vue sur Prague "by night" en appréciant un très bon repas. A ne surtout pas manquer!
Koncert sám o sobě špatný nebyl, program byl velmi výživný i pro lidi co se neorijentují v klasické hudbě. Místo konání bylo krásné, ale kvůli malému obsazení hudebníků (dvoje první housle, dvoje duhé housle, viola, cello a kontrabas) byl zvuk slabý a nedokázal vyplnit mohutnou akustiku tak velkého kostelu a tudíž si nedokážu pomoci, ale cena se mi zdá za tak špatný zvuk příliš vysoká. Musím pochválit sólovou zpěvačku, jejíž hlas dokázal prostory vyplnit a tak si nejlépe zapamatuji právě tuto část koncertu.
The music was excellent. We would have enjoyed a full 60 minutes though.
Wonderful acoustics, nice presentation, fun selection. Great opportunity to experience such a beautiful hall.
Opravdu nádherný zážitek, stojí za to slyšet i vidět. Doporučuji všem.
Nous avons passé un très agréable moment musical.
Great orchester, great dirigent and singer!
La soirée nous aura bien fait rire mais déçu tout de même ce n’était pas du tout ce à quoi on s’attendait. La salle est minuscule le repas est servie ailleurs comme un self nous n’avons pas eu la boisson à minuit mais la musique était bien. C’est ce qui fait la note
Verdict pas cher mais pas si chouette
Amazing spectacle, very impressive musicians and dancers
A treat for the senses. Beautiful venue and sensational music performance. A wonderful atmosphere. Many thanks. ☺️
Pan Švestka dobře pracuje s českými texty,jeho úpravy jak textů tak muziky jsou vtipné, dobře že to vše prokládá i angličtinou, neboť se zúčastňuje dost cizinců. Prostě jeho vystoupení může každému dát radost a pohodu. Děkují Petr Šlégr
Splnilo všechna očekávaní.Ď.
nádherné provedení, krásná hudba a profesionální výkon, skvělá atmosféra
The concert was thoroughly enjoyable. The musicians were extraordinarily talented and delivered an enthusiastic performance.
I visited the show with my partner during a tourist visit to Prague after seeing an advertisement for a jazz club on the website. I also found the program interesting. The very first impression in the lobby of the club disappointed me, as everything seemed disorganized (not enough staff to control the crowd of visitors). The ultimate disaster followed when we entered the club itself - a very overcrowded space into which three times as many visitors have been squeezed in as could be for a good experience of a jazz show. It was extremly hot in the room, without any ventilation and the feeling of no air at all. The visitors were crammed in like sardines, and it's no wonder that to top it all off, we got a COVID infection at the show (I can't prove it, but the visitor next to me snorted and sneezed the whole time, we got sick three days later). We didn't order drinks ourselves , but as I saw, it was a mess there too. The band was fine for a lay audience (I'm not a connoisseur) and the singer was relaxed, but it was clear that the heat and stuffy air didn't suit her either. My husband and I experienced the show nothing else than a torture and at the break we left the show. I think it's a shame that the organizer is trying to extract as much money as possible from tourists at the expense of comfort and a good concert atmosphere. I do not recommend this club to anyone.
The string quintet and the opera singer were both excellent performers. The variety of music was engaging, and we thoroughly enjoyed the concert.
Amazing experience. Talented artists and great atmosphere.
Outstanding performance in a beautiful setting.
The Jazz boat has it all - a cruise with a view of the city and sites, great food and wine, and fantastic live music! We totally enjoyed everything about our night in the river.
The performance was excellent.
The performance was great. Me and my daughter enjoyed it very much.
Small setting so you get to hear the music well.
Lovely ambiance,wonderful and highly talented team of musicians.Thank you all,and we LL see you again in in our next visit to Prague!
Nice performance. Done by muscians that do the performance a couple of times per week. Quite OK.
Hodnotit koncert, který jsem navštívila před více než dvěma lety je trochu problematické. Stejně ale jsem přesvědčená, že Dvořákova Novosvětská je vždy nezapomenutelný zážitek!
Waren mit einer Schulklasse (16-Jährige) in der Vorführung. Waren alle voll begeistert!
The performance was enjoyable and so professional. The setting was beautiful. Would highly recommend this concert.
Programme musical parfait
Un lieu magnifique et des musiciens excellents. Une cantatrice avec une voix extraordinaire. Je recommande vivement cet événement
I did not like the show, too "average"
Tremendous selection and great performance-organ plus strings!
A lovely, heartwarming event
Un concert de très haute qualité, un moment de pur bonheur.
l'orchestre et cantatrice de très bonne niveau, nous avons passé une excellente soirée de Noël
Objednávali jsme vánoční koncert pro FR klienty - všem se moc líbilo
Bylo to příjemné zpestření odpoledne.
Koncert se nám velmi líbil, byl hravou a zábavnou formou, ne celé dlouhé sklady, ale naopak vybrané ty známé pasáže. Moc jsme si představení užili!
Hudba nádherná, úžasná, více by se nám líbilo bez zpěvu ..
Paní zpěvačka se snažila, ale pro nás byla rušivým elementem , 1-2 písně by nám asi nevadily, ale takto jí bylo příliš
Hudba nádherná, úžasná, více by se nám líbilo bez zpěvu ..
Paní zpěvačka se snažila, ale pro nás byla rušivým elementem , 1-2 písně by nám asi nevadily, ale takto jí bylo příliš
Such a holiday staple ! Nutcracker is my annual Christmas routine. Puts anyone in a festive spirit :)
I really enjoyed the musical event, it was very festive for the season, the music performances were beautiful and artists very talented.I would definitely go again
The Klementinum Mirror Chapel is perfect for a concert such as this. The music was classic and enjoyed by the audience. We are very happy to have been a part of this experience.
Výkony hudebníků byly jistě výborné, avšak koncert proběhl řemeslně, rychle, mechanicky, jak na výrobní lince, asi to chtěli mít co nejrychleji za sebou. Průvodní slovo žádné, ani na začátku ani na konci. Žádná speciální atmosféra, to jsem jinde nezažila, zklamání.
Samotný koncert byl skvělý. Dojem ovšem kazí vedlejší kavárna, ze které do koncertního sálu pronikají hlasité zvuky, což bylo velmi nepříjemné a celkovou atmosféru koncertu to narušilo. Už bych tam asi na žádný koncert nešla. Fabiánková
Koncert byl uzasny, nezapomenutelny zazitek!
Turistická akce, úroveň produkce průměrná. Po začátku představení byli pouštěni posluchači do sálu, rusili ostatní.
Such a pleasant evening with beautiful and familiar selections by the best musicians.
Very good concert and dinner
We liked the artists and the repertoire.
Beautiful, Both amusing and deep. Recommended.
though a concert generated for the tourists, and only exerts played from the various selections, it was extremely well done with a brilliant orchestra and a wonderful soloist. the Chapel's acoustics were perfect for this concert. We were looking for something short and sweet and that is what we received. Truly enjoyed the concert.
Beautiful show that took my breath away at many points. The music was lovely, the performance stunning, I loved my time watching this and would definitely go to another production done by the same creators.
We loved it, It was good for the whole family ages 11 until 50
Un moment exceptionnel dans un lieu magnifique et un spectacle d opéra fantastique
Nice repertoire. Love Smetana and the fun plink plank song at the end. I forgot the name since it was a year ago.